‘Brilliant’: 2 ½’ tall plants with rosy red blooms.‘Croftway Red’: 3’ tall plants with red flowers.
‘Elsie Heugh’: 3 ’ tall plants with pale pink blooms. Flowers have fringed margins.
‘Jimmy Whittet’: 4’ tall plants with purple-pink blooms.
‘Loveliness’: 2 to 3’ tall plants with shell pink blooms. Very sturdy, strong stems.
‘Mrs. Alderson’: 4’ tall plants with rose-colored blooms.
‘Mr. Lindbergh’: 2’ tall plants with rose-red blooms.
‘Nimmerdor’: 6’ tall giants with deep pink blooms.
‘Oberon’: 2 ½’ tall plants with deep rosy pink blooms.
‘Puck’: dwarf 2’ tall plants with soft pink blooms.
‘Rose Queen’: 4’ tall plants with rosy blooms.
‘Stark’s Hybrid’s’: a mix of 2 to 3’ tall plants with blooms in shades from pale pink to deep purple-pink.
‘Sussex Beauty’: 3 to 4’ tall plants with showy, bright pink blooms.
‘William Smith’: salmon-colored blooms on 3’ tall plants.