'Alba Caerulea Oculata': fragrant white blooms with blue eyes.'Eastern Star': deep magenta-rose blooms with yellow bases and golden/green outer flushing.
'Lilliput': yellow-eyed reddish purple blooms.
'Magenta Queen': yellow-eyed pale lilac blooms. The outsides of the outer petals are marked with yellow-green flames.
'Odalisque': bright reddish-purple blooms tinted with silver on the outside, with inner yellow eyes.
'Persian Pearl': deep violet bloosm with yellow eyes. The outer surfaces of the petals are washed with silver.
'Pulchella': pale reddish purple blooms with deep blue eyes.
'Rosea': yellow-eyed pale violet blooms.
'Violacea Black Base': black-eyed bright violet blooms.
'Violaceae Yellow Base': bright violet blooms with yellow eyes.
'Violet Queen': yellow-eyed deep purple-red blooms.