Propagate by
- Each husk from plants contains a single seed.
Germination temperature: 50 F to 65 F
Days to emergence: 7 to 14
Seed can be saved 5 years.
While touted as a warm-season alternative to spinach, orach is a
cool-season plant that is most productive and flavorful when grown in
spring and fall. It is more tolerant of both heat and cold than
spinach. Harvest can continue into summer after spinach has gone to
seed (bolted).About 2 to 3 weeks before last frost, sow seed ¼ to ½ inch deep, 2 inches apart, in rows 12 to 18 inches apart.
tightly spaced plants when 4 to 6 inches tall, cutting them an inch or
two above the soil in "cut and come again" style. Or thin plants at
this height to 6- to 18-inch spacings, eating the thinnings.
to harvest young leaves from older plants as they mature, leaving the
older leaves to help sustain the plants. Pinch off flower buds to
encourage branching and more young, vegetative growth.
Make succession plantings until weather warms. Make mid-summer plantings for fall harvest.