‘Abba’: 1’ tall plants with bright red blooms sometimes marked with bright yellow.‘Monte Carlo’: 8 to 10” tall plants with lightly red feathered yellow blooms.
‘Montreux’: 1’ tall plants with fragrant pale yellow blooms lightly flamed with red.
‘Oranje Nassau’: 8 to 10” tall plants with deep orange red blooms flushed with red.
‘Peach Blossom’: 8 to 10” tall, early-blooming plants with deep rosy pink blooms with white bases.
‘Schoonoord’: 8 to 10” tall plants with white blooms.
‘Viking’: 8 to 10” tall plants with deep red flamed red blooms flushed with green. The inner sides of the petals are red with yellow feathering and yellow bases.
‘Willemsoord’: 1’ tall plants with red and white striped blooms.