Antique varieties: In cultivation before 1920. Time-tested and often strongly fragrant. Growth tends to be open and loose.‘Bat’s Double Red’ bears double, rich red blooms with showy toothed margins. Dark blue-green leaves. Zones 5 to 8.
‘Beatrix’ bears double, cinnamon-scented magenta-pink blooms are arranged in clusters. Dark green leaves. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Brympton Red’ bears bright red blooms with thick dark red stripes. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Dad’s Favorite’ bears showy semi-double blooms that are white with rosy-red margins and reddish purple centers. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Earl of Essex’ bears double rose-colored blooms with darker centers. Zones 5 to 10.
‘Fair Folly’ (‘Constance Finnis’) bears white blooms with reddish-pink markings and margins. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Her Majesty’ bears double pure white blooms with strong scent and showy fringe. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Inchmery’ bears semi-double pale pink blooms. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Lady Granville’ bears semi-double white blooms with dark red margins and centers. Strongly scented. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Mrs. Sinkins’ bears double, deeply fringed white blooms with strong fragrance. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Musgrave’s Pink’ (‘Charles Musgrave’) bears fringed white blooms with light green centers. Clove fragrance. Zones 4 to 8.
‘Queen of Sheba’ bears white blooms with showy teeth and magenta markings. Strong clove fragrance. Zones 5 to 8.
‘Rose de Mai’ bears pale pink blooms with darker markings. Very fragrant. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Ursula Le Grove’ bears white blooms with dark red centers and margins. Strong fragrance and long bloom period. Zones 4 to 9.
Modern varieties: These feature longer bloom seasons, dense, compact growth habits and unique new color combinations.
‘Agatha’ bears fragrant, fringed, double blooms that are pale purple with dark violet eyes. Zones 4 to 10.
‘Alice’ bears semi-double blooms that are white with dark red centers and margins. Clove scented. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Aqua’ bears double pure white blooms with strong clove fragrance. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Becky Robinson’ bears double, bright pink petals that have dark red margins and markings near their base. Clove fragrance. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Berry Burst’ bears rosy-violet toothed and fragrant blooms with darker rose-violet markings. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Christopher’ bears double deep-salmon-pink blooms with strong clove fragrance. Long lasting flowers. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Coronation Ruby’ bears double, bright-pink blooms with rich red markings and margins. Strong clove fragrance. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Danielle Marie’ (‘Danielle’) bears double, toothed, dark salmon/coral, long-stemmed blooms with strong clove scent on dense plants with gray leaves. Zones 4 to 10.
‘Desmond’ bears double, deep red blooms that are good for cutting. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Doris’ bears semi-double salmon blooms with dark red centers. Zones 5 to 10.
‘Evangeline’ bears double, bright pink blooms with strong fragrance. Zones 4 to 8.
‘Gran’s Farourite’ bears semi-double white blooms with deep rosy-purple centers and margins. Zones 5 to 10.
‘Houndspool Cheryl’ bears double, deep maroon-red blooms. Zones 4 to 10.
‘Ian’ bears double, dark red blooms with strong fragrance. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Itsaul White’ bears white blooms have vanilla fragrance. Tolerates heat well. Zones 4 to 8.
‘Laced Monarch’ bears double, deep magenta-pink blooms with deep red centers and margins. Zones 5 to 9.
‘London Delight’ bears semi-double blooms are light pink with dark red margins and centers. Clove fragrance. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Loveliness’ (‘Rainbow Loveliness Strain’) bears blooms that have showy fringe and strong fragrance. Flowers are variety of combinations of red, pink and white, with showy markings and margins. Plants are short-lived. Zones 3 to 9.
‘Margaret Curtis’ bears white blooms with very dark red centers. Fragrant. Zones 4 to 10.
‘Monica Wyatt’ bears pale purple-pink blooms with dark pink centers and clove scent. Zones 5 to 10.
‘Peppermint Patty’ bears deeply toothed, light pink blooms with spice scent. Zones 3 to 8.
‘Pink Princess’ bears strongly scented salmon blooms. Prolific bloomer. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Prairie Pink’ bears fragrant, double, dark rosy pink blooms with showy teeth. Long bloom period. Zones 4 to 9.
‘Raspberry Tart’ bears spice-scented rosy red semi-double blooms with dark red centers. Zones 3 to 8.
‘Robespierre’ bears salmon double blooms with red striping. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Salmon Unique’ bears double, coral-pink blooms. Zones 5 to 9.
‘Valda Wyatt’ bears double, rosy-pink blooms darken in color near the center. Clove-scented. Zones 5 to 10.